
Please note that these instructions are general and that there might be special cases in some versions that aren't covered by these steps.

  1. Update the SQL function cfn_addon_documentsearch_checkstring.
  2. Update the SQL function cfn_addon_documentsearch_checktype.
  3. Update the SQL function cfn_addon_documentsearch_editstring.
  4. Update the SQL procedure csp_addon_documentsearch_finddocuments.
  5. Restart the LDC manually (right-click on it and click 'Shut down').
  6. Restart the Lime CRM desktop client.
  7. Download the LIP zip file from the latest release.
  8. Enter the VBA editor in the desktop client and run vba lip.InstallFromZip from the immediate window. Select your zip file.
  9. Compile and save the VBA project.
  10. Update the folder "Actionpads\apps\DocumentSearch" with the latest version from the LIP package (under "lip\apps\DocumentSearch" in the zip file.
  11. Publish the actionpads.
  12. Restart the Lime CRM desktop client and test that it works.
  13. Update the customization record (add one if it is missing!) in our own Lime CRM solution. Note the new version installed. Make sure it is linked to the product card for Document Search.